My house was buzzing with excitement about going back to school....NOT! Moans and groans last night as we were playing a killer game of family scrabble. Complaints about going back, blah, blah, blah... No back to school shopping. Riley got a new wardrobe and 1/2 over the summer between her birthday and family love shopping. JD well all he needs is 5x jeans and 5xt-shirts- done, has them all. No eager haircuts or even backpack shopping...
I was up with Riley and she was soooo tired, "why is school so early" and off she went. JD was still asleep as only Freshman had to show up at 8 today, he was to roll in at 10:30. So off I go for a run and we live next to an Elementary School and it was so fun. So, so many Mom and Dads walking hand in hand with their kids, who are dressed in spankin new clothes, crispy backpacks and there was a line for pictures in front of the Adobe Bluffs Elementary School sign. There was a humm in the air, nervous energy but mostly excitement for the next school year to begin. It was not that long ago and oh my.....I return home an hour later, still asleep and no sign of waking.
He appeared soon after looking like, well a teenager. So painful to be up at 9:30 and off to school. Tomorrow will be a rude awakening, literally, when he has to be out the door at 7:30. But alas, it is Friday. Why they start school on a Thursday, I do not know, but it makes is much easier on the teenagers of the world.
As for me and the world of Ironman.... how many more weeks? Do I have chronic fatigue sydrome? I was treated by KP today, ART, and it was painful as ever but oh so nice to have range of motion and to have my calves relax. As KP was working on my calf he says "what is growing in there?" Exactly, the muscle seemed to be in a constant state of contraction. Twice now I have used Icy Hot as if it is lotion on my quads and calves. First the utter burning sensation and then the so nice cooling and then the smell. Minty fresh yes, eye burning yes. See my office is very small and it is me and the dogs and today Icy Hot. It was so strong my eyes were tearing and running down my face and Zen sat in the doorway with his eyes blinking at morph speed just looking at me....like, what the hell have you done. He came in laid down and left with a big harrumph. Looks over his shoulder with disgust. Even the dogs are wondering now, why Ironman.
After all the great ART I worked for a while and motivated myself for my bike ride. Took a while and I knew the first 30 minutes would be tough- feels like I am pedaling with lead in my quads, but from experience with fatigue, I knew they would open up and feel better and sure enough they did. Today I needed the master play list - all kinds of good songs-"I Gotta Feeling" Black Eyed Peas- my current favorite song "Single Ladies" Beyonce ( heard this in Barcelona and really dig it) , "I Love This Bar" Toby Keith- okay so a little country but I like it, "Dirty Deeds" ACDC - who doesn't love it So I cruised out Del Dios and turned around- not enough time, or well energy, do to Elfin as well. And sure enough 45 minutes in I was feeling good and wishing I was riding longer. But had a schedule...calls to make, follow up to do, contracts to negotiate and a conference call - which I took while walking the dogs. Hey I participated and it was not a customer so it's all good.
I am back on a bagel kick.....more training, more carbs! Hot Bagels- I love them and crave them. But I have successfully given up Starbucks! Yes, have been once or twice when meeting someone but NOT every day and my car can now drive past a Starbucks and not stop. Oh speaking of the car....no A3 yet, going to sink a few more $$$ into the 401K just to be sure I am not spending our future retirement on a hot little car. I have such a car crush though...saw a guy today in the A3 and I could just tell he was having fun, loving his car. I wanted to pull up and say- hey, I'm getting one of those sometime soon. But well thought less of it.

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