Really not a huge day for us, many of you know we do not even own a TV, so tough to get caught up in the excitement of the big game. That along with the fact my husband asked if the game was on yesterday...right, Superbowl Saturday. So we have elected to get a massage during the game. Easy to book, lots of availability so we are good to go. JD and Riley are eager to cheer on the Cardinals so they have sought out friends to watch the shin dig.
I am recovering from a 2 hour run this AM and am feeling a long week of training! Ran in the PQ Preserve and I tell you it was like a freeway out there. Throngs of runners, walkers and mtn bikers. At one point about 6 bikers came screaming from behind and nearly left tread marks on my back. All in all it is great to see so many people out there enjoying the day!
Weekend was relaxing as there was no soccer, lacrosse, swimming....kids laid low, had some fun and I managed to train myself to death.
I am recovering from a 2 hour run this AM and am feeling a long week of training! Ran in the PQ Preserve and I tell you it was like a freeway out there. Throngs of runners, walkers and mtn bikers. At one point about 6 bikers came screaming from behind and nearly left tread marks on my back. All in all it is great to see so many people out there enjoying the day!
Weekend was relaxing as there was no soccer, lacrosse, swimming....kids laid low, had some fun and I managed to train myself to death.
two hour run after yesterdays epic ride and the awards....that's impressive