When the alarm went off today at 5:30 I was ready to get up and get going. Zen was thrilled and eager to go too. Quick run with the pups and off to the pool. Left a quite house, sleeping kids and satiated dogs.
Great workout with the early UCSD Masters. Times were good and I was able to comfortably hold 1:15's on a 1:25 interval. After the first few, I had to double check the clock, was my interval wrong or is my swimming coming together. I think the latter. Nice long set and 4100 yard work out.
Off to Torrey for a spectacular run along the coast and up Torrey Pines. Still very brisk at 8:00 but warming up quickly. The ocean looked sensational and I was enjoying my new play list for running. Favorite song of the morning....I Love This Bar, Toby Keith. Such a feel good song, good love, good fun.....okay I digress.
Onto a fantastic meeting about getting race kits for GOTRIbal. Kristen Mayer is awesome! http://www.bettydesigns.com/ She has great vision and already created a killer logo for us. I am excited to see what she comes up with for our kits. Exciting to be a part of this rapid movement. So much happening....we have a list of other pro's who want to come on board and that is my next project, get in touch and bring them into the TRIbe.
GOTRIbal is growing each day and we are building our community! Have to step back this afternoon, time to be a Mom.... kids to the ortho, practice etc. It's all good! As much as I dislike the car, it is great time to talk. Something about teenagers and the car.... they answer questions, offer information and sometimes ever act like they like you!! Kids are curious about our new venture....questions from teenagers " do we get to travel with you?" " How many companies are you going to form?" "Who is your boss?" Fun to talk about this with them, show them they can do anything they want!
Dinner tonight with a dear friend who is in town from VA. So excited to see her and catch up the way you can only catch up in person. Food, wine, friendship....Life is good.
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