- You can fit 1500 calories in one bottle
- Someone asks what you are doing next week and you say "I don't know, I am waiting for my schedule from my coach" Then you plan the rest of your life
- When people ask you how much you train you use up your fingers and toes counting the hours and you still have many more to add up
- You say things like " I can't wait to roll around on my foam roller" and the people you are with all agree
- When you see ice, all you can think about is where to put on your body to reduce inflammation
- Eating becomes a work out in itself.
- You wonder if it is good to have so many calories in liquid and gel and you have flashbacks to being a baby...the last time you received most nourishment out of of plastic bottles.
- The sunscreen begins to layer and you almost wonder if you can scrape down a few layers back to your natural skin
- The goggles leave semi permanent indentations on your face
- People wonder if someone spilled bleach and you realize it is the chlorine from the pool emanating off your skin
- The laundry room smells worse than most places you can imagine...running and cycling clothes piled up
- You visualize crawling into bed at night soon after you crawl out in the morning for your first workout of the day
- You cannot remember the last day you did not wear spandex
- Your garage looks like a Transition Area for a race- piled up running, cycling, swimming gear- why put it away when you need it all the next day.
- The back of your car could be a Sporting Goods Store- running, swimming and cycling gear - you never know when you can squeeze in one of the 3.
- You are training when your kids go to school and when they come home..they ask " Mom, really, what else did you do today?"
- Double espresso 4pm, no problem and still asleep at 9
- Anyone hungry in your car and you promptly offer bottles of water, power bars, gu? All readily available
-Your idea of staying up late is 9pm
- A short day of training is only 2 hours
- You find yourself doing google searches about recovery...there must be a magic pill
- You realize it has been weeks since you used your own shower.....you take a swim, shower at the pool or the cove, or my favorite a shower with 3 gallons of water in the parking lot after your hot ride.
I have to admit so many of these pertain to me right now, and I'm only doing halfs... Made me laugh though!