Friday, September 25, 2009


So I love the Speedo Hydrospex goggles but they lose their anti fog coating in less than a month and then it is horrible.....swimming in the fog, when it's not foggy. I try spitting in them - my saliva is not the right composition I guess, try the anti fog sprays, drops and clothes and they work so/so. But I inevitably forget and then I'm well, in a fog.

So I dug through my bag of goggles that have been given to me at events, sponsors etc. and have been trying a new one each time I swim. Most I donate to the pool deck or Cove deck for someone who forgot goggles. But I find a pair I love Blueseventy Nero RZR - they are awesome!!! Clear and feel great. So I am stoked about that until....I see a friend Wednesday who asks if I'm okay? Sure, great why....oh nothing you look a bit tired. Tired??? I'm tapering. I do a mental check, nope not tired today.

I immediately rush to the restroom to check out how I really look (mind you this is in Trader Joe's) and I peer into the mirror only to see big google marks that could be misconstrued for bags under my eyes. I run out of the bathroom and peruse the aisles to tell her, no I'm not tired those are just google imprints. She pauses, looks at me and asks me, Are you sure you're okay.....Clearly not a swimmer or triathlete. And today, Riley looks at me. Mom, I think your goggles are too tight...have you seen your eyes? I say I know, but they don't fog up....she stares back at me blank faced.

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