Loving yoga...so much I joined CorePower after my free week and have been obsessively going... 5 days last week and I nearly threw a tantrum on Saturday when I showed up to a cancelled class. I want my YOGA! The heat is getting tolerable, I am getting more flexible and stronger. I mix up the classes I take depending on how I am feeling and timing. Some are amazing for flexibility and a bit of strength where as others I am so sore the next day I am amazed. My hamstrings are crazy tight and my back is really flexible. I am no longer worried about anyone else and just do my yoga! My mat, my time and my hour. It is therapeutic and simply amazing.... Sunday I did a yoga double. 1st class was a Sculpt Fusion- Yoga for Athletes- heated yoga but only to 90 and not too much work. Considering I raced an Oly on Saturday I was a bit sore.... Riley wanted to do a class so I met here at CorePower Sculpt- heated yoga with weights. Holy crap....103 degrees and it was a killer. Did all I could and sometimes that was laying on my mat in a river of sweat trying to get my HR under 180. We laughed and nearly cried but had a great class....

Considering our impromptu block party involved a beverage made by our neighbors 24yo I needed a heavy sweat. It was a pomegranate type smoothie with a serious kick. Went down like a smoothie and the pitcher was full every time I looked and I kept saying sure.... John's Paella was amazing and the camaraderie in our hood was even better. Fire pit, guitars and a little bit of crazy. I am the planner in our house but this was Johns idea and it was great- low key, last minute and tons of fun..... too much (but that was my own fault) So double hot yoga was the key
and a nap for Sunday recovery.
On that note...I did race ITU Olympic on Saturday and was thrilled my hamstring held up!! The downside was I felt it on the bike when I was aero (but the point of riding aero is well aerodynamic but also to engage your hamstrings more and help save your quads for the run) so I had to back off on the power a bit - as I was not willing to re-injure the hamstring at this point. So I was iffy on how the run would go- I started running hard and kept it up- darn pleased with my run split and the race. Lost to a girl from Boulder whom I now know is the AG Champion in the Olympic Distance for the US- so I'm okay with that. The race was leaps of fun so many of the Nytro Women out rocking in! Love the camaraderie of the team and the fun of seeing familiar faces out there.
And that brings me to CrossFit....I said I was going to do it and I admit I was scared, am scared...but there was a groupon for a local place and I joined and signed up. This AM was #1 Ramp up - which is awesome. There are 3 Ramp classes and they we are ready to jump in. Today was mild but I am already sore.... we learned
and practiced over 100 how do to a proper squat, all the way down. How to do a push up and we did some really cool stretching, that felt a lot like yoga + strength training. Once that was done
and I was already sore we did our first 10 minutes. How CF works is you have a circuit of your own and you do it as many times as you can in the allotted time. We did 15 jumping jacks, 6 squats, 3 push ups - repeat, as many times and as fast as you can (with proper technique for 10 minutes. Each time you finish 1 set you move a poker chip to keep track. Seriously...I am sore.
Chang our instructor is great...he explained that CF is about reinforcing many of the muscles we use for daily movements. Elongating them and everything stems from the core. How CF differs from strength training is you are using all the muscles vs isolating single muscles. Very cool....the gym is very raw and there is a lot of room for movement, bars, kettle balls- not a "pretty gym" Clock goes on, music up and we are off!
Went from there to the pool....and that was my training for the day. By the end of 4000 I was feeling my core and arms from all the push ups. My goal post Cabo was to mix it up......and that is happening! Hope I can run and ride as planned tomorrow- ouch!
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