I registered for the ITU Triathlon in San Diego and most tri's these days have a major sponsor....this years sponsor is Omegawave. When I saw the announcement I thought what is Omegawave? A really big wave? How does a big wave sponsor a triathlon ...most of us, well the non swimmers, hope for no waves when it comes to triathlon. But here is an Omegawave...ok not really.

Luckily all I had to do was click on the logo and I was directed to the website. So I read " Don't over train. Rest if you have to. Train with the Omegawave system. Know your readiness and optimize your training." Ok fair enough but really what is this..... upon further reading... By identifying an athlete´s physiological limiting factors, and providing guidelines to eliminate them, Omegawave helps in improving performance, preventing over training, decreasing injuries and improving physical condition and overall health. The non-invasive Omegawave method gives in two minutes data on cardiac, metabolic and central nervous systems, while the athlete is resting. The Omegawave configurations are based on both sports and space scientific research and applications. Still slightly confused but at least this makes more sense than some of the other sponsors of races....
Fast forward a few weeks and I am contacted by omegawave as they are looking for "active bloggers"
IN! So the unit arrives and it is basically a HR monitor strap with a charger. Charge it up (overnight)
Ok....more waiting. Will record Fri and Sat AM and then see what happens Sunday post race. All humor aside
Also since they are a Finnish company you have to know your weight in kg and your height in cm. I am a master a metric conversion so no worries
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