Triathlon Coach + I race Ironman, 70.3 and Gravel. A mom of 2 kids +2 vizsla's and wife of 1 husband.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Oceanside 70.3....
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It's an Ironman blog....whats to say I am tapering

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Whirlwind of family, life and fun!!!
My sis, bro-in-law and nieces arrived on Friday for the beginning of the celebration weekend! We kicked off Friday night in La Jolla at Dad and K's with a sensational dinner that was made to order. Prime steak, halibut or vegan lasagna- your choice. Riley pulled off a terrific banana cream pie and Mom brought along a lemon meringue pie. Enough food and wine for any ones delight! Naturally this was the beginning of my taper which means I have to taper off the eating so as not to show up race day with a few extra lbs to carry for 5 hours.
Friday, March 19, 2010
No....not sick
Monday, March 15, 2010
Training, birthdays, travel
Up early for my long run- thankfully JC joined me for 90 minutes. Training for IM when your buddies are not means you take their company for as long as their workout is. So I ran 20 min and met JC and we did his 90 min and then I ran home. Not too bad actually.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day Off? What's that
My plan was to sleep in....who knows how late. Maybe something as luxurious as 7am! I was so excited going to bed knowing that when I woke naturally at 5/5:30 I could roll over, snuggle back under the blankets and go back to sleep.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Is a Zebra a Horse?
Grandfather and Grandson fishing....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Wimped out....
When we go to bed, after watching the greatest movie- World's Fastest Indian . Great film for everyone. Riley and her friend were reluctant to watch it and ended up loving it. We were cheering for him, criying for him. It was sensational. Best comment from the girls- when he hooks up with a lady they both let out "ooh gross they are old" So we promptly say, what old people cannot have sex? The roll their eyes and Riley comments, see what I have to live with?
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Metal detectors and cheese

Listen to the body....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Evening at home
While the kids and I enjoyed a dinner of Thai Chicken, rice and fresh mango's, John was logging a few miles on the trainer. He is set up in the play room so we can see him through the sliding doors. He has on noise cancelling headphones and is practicing his Russian. We can hear burst of bad Russian as he repeats what the CD is saying,
After a while we ignore him and carry on with dinner. We hear a bust of Russian and then a loud woah and a massive crash. We turn around and we no longer see John....
Hugh laughs for us it's back to homework and taxes for me.
A moment of reflection
Monday, March 1, 2010
Big weekend.....done!
The heavens open up and it pouring..not CA rain but Louisiana rain. We communicate via text and I decide to run over and meet her at the designated spot. I jump in the car, we say hello and chat and I jump out and she has to make the trek back to IB. Sorry.....