Triathlon Coach + I race Ironman, 70.3 and Gravel. A mom of 2 kids +2 vizsla's and wife of 1 husband.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Last real run....
idropboys.com shirts are here!!!! Picked them up on Friday and I love them. Logo is great and the shirt is comfortable, high quality. So excited. Trying to get my website set up to sell them but am really thinking this first batch will go to friend etc, sell them out of my car, the way people used to start businesses.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fog + Swimming - not a good mix
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I''m going to Hawaii, I'm going to Hawaii

Monday, September 21, 2009
2 weeks from today.....
''ll be in Kona baby!!! I can hardly believe it. I am starting to get really excited. It's going to be so much fun. Taking the pressure off and looking forward to soaking it all in. Come on....just to be around all those Pro's will be awesome. There is so much happening....sponsor dinners, breakfasts, group get togethers and of course the famous underpants run http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2005-10-14-underpants-race_x.htm. Sounds like such a riot....I was shopping this weekend and found the perfect pair of skivvies. Totally cute and will do for the run.
Did a Cove to Pier swim this AM with NP and PD and it was tough....like a washing machine, not as bad as Gatorman but it was not a fun trip. But psyched I did it- good 3 miles can only make the swim in the bay in Kona seem easy. Training is all about making the race seem easy...I'm convinced. Had a great run- legs are feeling MUCH better than last week. Whew....
The crappy news is I have a toothache....not just a toothache but a dead tooth I have since learned. As much as I like my dentist....I really don’t like having to go because I’m in pain. X-rays and poking around and yes indeed, dead tooth and I am referred to the Endodontist for a root canal. Yee Haw! As much as I don’t want to go, I want to alleviate the throbbing that is manageable at times and miserable at others. This started last night- come on did the tooth up and die, was it murdered, suicide? What was the cause of death. Dr says it stems from trauma years ago. The baseball the smacked me in the face back when I was in college at LSU. Cracked one tooth and apparently rattled this one enough to die a slow death….20 years and now it dies. I actually considered not getting it fixed until after Kona. Maybe a throbbing tooth would distract me from the usual Ironman pain- but the whole infection, fever issue could really derail my race. Seriously that is how whacked us Ironman and women are. Hmmmm infected tooth or Ironman, which is better. Really? No, I love IM!!! Well most of it, until the pain starts….. No talk of that, back to dreams of warm water, Hawaii, coconuts and all the good times to come.
SD Tri Club put on a rockin party yesterday…over 500 ppl at San Dieguito Park- huge deal, Awesome live music- thanks to Steve Tally’s band- who knew, I thought he was just another triathlete but he has an awesome band. Tacos that were soo good. Started off the day with a Kick Ball Tournament that I did not play in- no thanks, I can see it now, torn ACL playing kickball. But John played and had some fun. We rode in the morning and rode to the park and he stayed and I came home, cleaned up and drove over. So many give a way’s it was crazy …and we won nothing- big bummer. There were some sweet schwag – oh well was very cool to see a guy who just did his 1st Sprint win the entry to Ironman Coeur d’Alene and the other newbie win the awesome bike case. Or the woman who won the Cyclops Trainer ( I wanted that) ask what is was for. It’s all good…Riley had a good time running the dunk tank and it was nearly 5 before we knew it. Fun, fun day with awesome people.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Was that the same ocean.....

You got it...idropboys is growing!!! we have swim, bike and run!! What's next- I hope idropboys will be the next Life is Good.... there are many more sports to add and oh what fun. Next, I need a website- a real one. Not the one I threw together and have once again struggled and struggled with. Time to pony up and make it real!
I have jerseys and cycling shorts on order...will be here soon! Cool shirts coming as well... and now with the new logos, time for more cool goods!!!
Swam cove to pier today, similar to Gatorman but was a completely different ocean. Mostly calm, warmer (well I had my wetsuit on) but wow what a difference. E and I jumped in at 9 and were back at the cove by 10:15. We chatted with one of the lifeguards and he said Sunday was mayhem for them. More rescues than ever before...what a day.
Other than that....pretty non eventful day. Summoned the energy for a run and well it was decent but not setting any speed records around here. Had a lovely afternoon date with JB! And then it was all about the kids.... Gotta love them right. Dogs thankfully did not try to eat any neighbors pets. Good boys!
And tomorrow is Friday...yeehaw! Heading to swim again and then for a short ride. The long ride was taken away...KP says NO - tired body needs rest. But, but I need to ride more, run more,train more...Kona is 3 weeks and 2 days away.....ah the panic is setting in. I am out of time! Ready to taper yes....but really want one more weekend of solid training to put in the bank.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I did it, I did it.....
6:30 bike ride. 2:30 run and 4 miles of swimming.. Fri/Sat/Sun.
The bike ride was awesome- long aero and not a lot of climbing. The goal was time and 120 miles. KP, T and I rode from my house to Dana Point- stopped and refueled big time....food, drinks caffeine and rolled back home. Had a tail wind most of the way- gosh I love that.
Saturday up and off for my run....but not too early. No early soccer to get to so it was all good. Tough at the end, but well so is Ironman and nice to be done for the day by 11. R and I went to pick up my gear for the LJ Roughwater and meanwhile the boys bit the bullet and bought a spankin new, beautiful BBQ. We are officially in the club. Long story but this has been a long time in the making and I cannot wait to cook outside. No dishes. We planned to grill up a storm . but had an unexpected treat. R's friend from Kyrgyzstan was over last weekend and told me she likes to cook. I had asked if she would come over sometime and make an ethnic meal for us with Riley. So I and R sent JB a shopping list and they went to work around 5. By 6:30 we sat down to a wonderful dinner of Borscht (they made a vegetarian version) and a delicous salad of beets, potatoes, pees, and dill pickles. Very impressive. It was great and we loved that they did it all on their own. We gladly cleaned up!
Sunday JD and I were up and out by 6:40 for a 7:50am soccer game. Tough game....tied 0-0 but
was disappointing. We outplayed the team significantly but the score did not reflect that. Kid you not, we had at least 20 shots on goal and over 10 of them directly to the goalie. The goalie was not a phenom, we just kicked them directly to them. Frustrating....at least it was a tie and not a loss. Welcome to the season.
Dropped off JD and off to La Jolla. Rough Water swim, 1 mile was first and it was well rough.... tough swim but over quickly and then had to sit and wait and worry about the 3 miler. Family came out for some moral support - love that! D/K thanks for making it out as well. JD had to get home to lacrosse.
Gatorman start was delayed by over an hour due to the longer swim times, thanks to the swells. So when we finally started I was hungry....not a good way to start. There we were lined up on the beach and one of the paddlers is surfing in on a wave. Hello, this is the cove, protected and calm. Once the set, yes set of waves, passed they started the group. The swim goes from the LJ Cove to the Scripps Pier- you swim over the Canyon....scary deep bottom of the ocean, round the buoys and come back. The swim across was awesome and I was loving it. Checked my watch at the buoy and was totally psyched. Much like a head wind on the bike, we had the current going against us and the swells heading back. Took me 35 minutes over and 47 minutes back. The differential was not fatigue but waves and chop. It was so hard...and eventually it was fatigue as well. Up and down and then I got cold. The cove was moving away it seemed....finally, finally I roll onto the beach and am done. NOT a fun swim, but hey, its over and now it doesn't seem so bad. Medals to show the hard work, cool t-shirt and arms that are as tired as my legs.
Broke down and went to Starbucks on the way back to my car....Got the biggest, hottest mocha they would make. Give me the caffeine, sugar and calories- I needed them all. Cranked the heat and ate my grapes and pita chips and cruised home. Awesome family evening...kids headed to bed early, love that, as I am right behind them!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Working toward the weekend....
And Wed I was up at 4:30- ugh to swim with KP and T. Dark and early at KP's masters program. Small pool...6 lanes and loose lane lines so it was wavy, wavy. Ocean simulation. Good workout-new people and my lane was working hard so I worked with them. Out of the pool, starving....thanks EB for Breakfast Cookies- woofed down 2, yes 2, changed and we headed to KP's and hopped on our bikes. 3 hour ride....not intended to be tough but well T was coming off a few recovery days after a massive block of work and KP had recovered over the weekend and I was well, tired. I hung in there and it was not a hammer ride, but more than I anticipated. Consumed all my calories and more....indication I under fueled for the workout and proceeded to go home and take a nap. Worked for a few hours and then had a massage- one of the most painful massages ever. It was NOT relaxing but it was so very therapeutic. Hannah worked me over and I was so congested I could hardly breath and my throat was raspy. She worked out some serious stuff. Once I drank a gallon of water I started to feel normal again. Wow, hoping for a remarkable recovery.
New favorite food.....roasted sweet potatoes. Super food- yeah baby! Roast them in the oven and then brown up in a little olive oil, salt, pepper and good to go. Kids are loving them too. That and the green grapes are just to die for now... we are eating 5lbs a day. Amazing. While we are on food....lets talk beverages - I am so tired of anything that remotely tastes like a sports drink that I am seeking a new taste. And I found it- Pomegranate white tea. Trader Joes sells the bags and I make iced tea and it is delicious. I may just fill my water bottles on my long ride and see how it works....no electrolytes, no salt. Maybe not- could lead to a major bonk fest.
Riding long tomorrow with KP and T. Not my kind of ride...I like hilly but this one is a Kona prep ride....long, flat and most likely windy when we hit Camp Pendleton. Lots of aero time, which IM will be. Just so boring....but I'll have some company for the 6+ hour ride. And the reprieve from the heat seems to be passing as it is very warm this afternoon. Yeah, heat training.
This is a power weekend....Saturday is my long run and Sunday is the double whammy in La Jolla. At 11:00 I do the 1 mile La Jolla Rough Water Swim and then at 1:30- the 3 mile Gatorman. 4 miles swimming. And then I rest, recover...survive :) It's all downhill after this weekend.
So I changed my flight to Kona- I was arriving on Tuesday and after all I have read about heat acclimation I decided I need one more day. I changed no problem, beauty of using miles. I went to change my car and wham.....my rippin deal was no longer available. So bummed and then I realized I had booked the car for the wrong arrival day anyway, no wonder it was so cheap- I only rented for 4 days vs 6. So I looked and looked and found a roaring deal on a Jeep Rubicon! Gotta love that- Hawaii for a week in my favorite car.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Carmel Valley Manchester Wins!!!

Riley was up and around by the time we got home and was soon off with a friend and I found time for a bike ride. Yes, it was about 75 and absolutely delightful. So, so nice to not be pouring sweat. Sunscreen yes and covered up but wonderful temperatures.
3 day weekends are so nice. The extra day just takes the pressure off. Working up toward a solid training week and a big, big weekend. Need to get some serious work done early in the week as we are riding most of Friday. And since, well it is already Monday, that leaves me 3 days- really better get working.
Had some fun yesterday with some new friends..... great couple with kids 10 years younger than ours....gee where did the time go. Had a nice dinner, enjoyed the cooler weather and the kids loved the pool. JD and a buddy wanted to build a bridge over the pool to have a sword (noodle) fight upon. Well they asked Braman and he said, go for it (gotta love that about JB) So out came the tape measure, wood, nails, drill, saw.....and they worked and worked and dragged it to the back and John made some engineering improvements and they were ready to go. The group was eager with anticipation to see if the bridge would hold. They dragged it across and tentatively climbed on it. It actually held 2 teenage boys, bowed in the middle but they had their sword fight and fought until one plunged into the pool. This was repeated many times and some of the younger kids gave it a try until it bowed so much it touched the water. Never broke but it soggy... Great fun was had by all the boys, big and small, in the building and playing. Love to see the imagination come out and to fruition. He may be 15 but still likes a good sword fight :)
Sword Fight #1
Sword Fight on Bridge
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Soccer, Ironman training...
Of course at 6 it was already warm....very humid, but I headed out with JB and the dogs....soon they left me and I was off on my own and I did a trail run and then headed up Black Mountain. Not an easy run and the pace was so very slow....but got the time in and a significant amount of elevation gain. And the bonus is I was done by 8! Showered, well pooled, changed, filled with pancakes and off to soccer. Nothing better than drinking iced coffee watching soccer, knowing I done for the day.
1st game was a loss that they really should have won. Outplayed them, had so many shots on goal and there was force field repelling the balls off and then they just faded....hate to lose to a lesser team. But game 2 at 5:20- ah much cooler outside, was awesome. There were on fire and came out fighting. The other team was quite physical, a higher ranked team and our guys got to business. 3-0, shut out and max points for the tournament in hopes to advance. It was great soccer. One game today and with a win, they move to the finals.
Rushed the boys home (we have an extra one this weekend) and off to M's for a nice dinner- we were late so we showed up, food was ready and everyone had eaten. So no issues about filling a plate and joining the group. Relaxing and enjoyable....especially the Internet dating topic. Good fun and home early and to bed not so early, but sleeping in Sunday :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sun, sun , go away....come again, well not sure
No rest for the weary.....JD's birthday dinner- no reason to sit down and let the muscles tighten up. It was great, all the family came over and we had scrumptious Carnitas, grilled onions (thanks Kathi) and a wonderful cake (gratitude to my Mom) We ate, enjoyed and everyone was gone by 9! And I was in bed at 9:05!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Where did the week go....
Monday- day off. Needed and relished in it. I was sooo tired, legs tired, arms tired, me tired.
Good sleep Monday night- despite the miserable heat. Have I commented how much I despise this weather- hate it, hate it. My mother told me not to use that word, but I do hate it and it has been over a week. When do we get cooler temperatures...... Soon, please.
I have tried to be positive, good heat training, good for Kona....blah, blah, blah. I am hot and cranky most of the time. Today, I hung out in Vons for 45 minutes, not because I was grocery shopping, but because I was relishing the air conditioning. Funny, strolling up and down the aisles without a cart- just looking.
Tuesday I had a good swim and then off to the Dermatologist. She walks in and sighs...."does not look good, look at the tan lines.. what have you been doing??" Um, Ironman. I pull out my various sunscreens and she approves of 2 of the 3! Yeah but then says needs to be applied hourly and then let it settle in. Right when it is 100 degrees, I am dripping sweat and on the road. I am proud that I reapply, salt, dirt and all- it is kind of like an au nataural exfoliation. She says "cant you train before the sun comes up and after the sun goes down..." Right, so then I explain what Ironman is and her eyes get big and she leans in close... "really? Where is your race, will you be in the sun??" I ponder....do I tell her "no, racing in Antarctica, no worries. " No, I sheepishly say Kona.....she asks if there will be breaks that I can reapply sunscreen. I look at her....lady, I don't even stop to go to the bathroom. Instead I politely say, um no. She suggest I do my best and she gets down to work with the liquid nitrogen. She says my face looks good! Yeah......so I will continue to lather up and try to lather more. Bought some arm "coolers" will see how cool they are tomorrow in the 100+ degrees for my 51/2 hour ride. Ugh.... I ask you, where is fall, where are the clouds???
Wed was a good run and a short ride....active recovery and preparing for next few days. Good masters swim this AM- but ugh, my swim is not where it needs to be. Still my times are slow.....hoping 5.5 weeks is enough time. Yikes, 5.5 weeks!!!! Really, yes really. Great coastal ride today- hot yes, but good company with JN! Lots of chatting and catching up to do and the time just flies by, gotta love that.
And here we are on the eve of my oldest birthday- JD will be 15 tomorrow....that sounds so old! I remember 15 years ago, it was hot, bloody hot like this and I was feeling like a beached whale and was not happy. We lived in a loft downtown and our neighbors had a raging party and I was laying there in the heat, miserable, willing myself to sleep. Our place was shaking it was so loud. I thought I had indigestion for a while and then it occurred to me.....duh, pregnant, due date is soon, I think I am in labor. Hard to believe......Wow. Great kid. So far so good. Hope we make it through the next few years as painlessly as we have these past few. Love ya NOS! (number one son)
You know you are training for Ironman when....

- You can fit 1500 calories in one bottle
- Someone asks what you are doing next week and you say "I don't know, I am waiting for my schedule from my coach" Then you plan the rest of your life
- When people ask you how much you train you use up your fingers and toes counting the hours and you still have many more to add up
- You say things like " I can't wait to roll around on my foam roller" and the people you are with all agree
- When you see ice, all you can think about is where to put on your body to reduce inflammation
- Eating becomes a work out in itself.
- You wonder if it is good to have so many calories in liquid and gel and you have flashbacks to being a baby...the last time you received most nourishment out of of plastic bottles.
- The sunscreen begins to layer and you almost wonder if you can scrape down a few layers back to your natural skin
- The goggles leave semi permanent indentations on your face
- People wonder if someone spilled bleach and you realize it is the chlorine from the pool emanating off your skin
- The laundry room smells worse than most places you can imagine...running and cycling clothes piled up
- You visualize crawling into bed at night soon after you crawl out in the morning for your first workout of the day
- You cannot remember the last day you did not wear spandex
- Your garage looks like a Transition Area for a race- piled up running, cycling, swimming gear- why put it away when you need it all the next day.
- The back of your car could be a Sporting Goods Store- running, swimming and cycling gear - you never know when you can squeeze in one of the 3.
- You are training when your kids go to school and when they come home..they ask " Mom, really, what else did you do today?"
- Double espresso 4pm, no problem and still asleep at 9
- Anyone hungry in your car and you promptly offer bottles of water, power bars, gu? All readily available
-Your idea of staying up late is 9pm
- A short day of training is only 2 hours
- You find yourself doing google searches about recovery...there must be a magic pill
- You realize it has been weeks since you used your own shower.....you take a swim, shower at the pool or the cove, or my favorite a shower with 3 gallons of water in the parking lot after your hot ride.