Oh my gosh.....Week from yesterday I leave for Ironman. Seems to close all of a sudden. Excited, yes, Nervous, yes.... It's all good but so hard to focus on the rest of my life....job (which is very busy), family (who needs me), life ( well you get it)
Week from today I will be up early and swimming in the Lake CdA at 7, race time, to get an idea of race conditions. 1- it will be cold, water temp is 60. Takes some getting used to for sure. Although last year was even colder and come race day, the adrenaline and people and all it was not an issue.
Training is good. Had an outstanding 75 minute run on Tuesday. Easy warm up and then did some HR pacing. Running at HR 145 (IM HR) felt like I was walking, it was so easy and my pace was right on. Seems a no brainier to hold that for 26.2, but oh yeah that 112 mile bike ride plays a critical role as well and that quick 2.4 mile swim. Ratcheted up the HR to 155 and it was also so comfortable and was fun. First time in a while I just wanted to run, no worries about the time etc. Oh the wonders of a taper, rested legs and all. Still over a week to go. Yee haw.
Bike is ready to go- John helped me get the race wheels on, new tires (minimize all risk for flats and of course the old tires matched the old bike - had to put on very cool orange tires) Going for a 90 minute ride today and the dropping the bike at Nytro tomorrow for Tri Bike Transport to bring my baby to CdA. With John not going to help me reassemble and after the ease of using TBT at IM WI last year it seemed the way to go. No stress in will my bike make it, will TSA damage it or not repack it somehow, renting a monster car to haul the bike and it goes on. And the best, best part is finishing IM and wheeling the bike to TBT and saying good bye. No hassle after the race.
So with all this extra time I am trying to get a lot of outstanding issues tied up with work! I return from Ironman, quick business and then we are off to Spain and France. My iPhone is set for International and I will have my laptop so the beauty of my job is I can work from anywhere and can be readily accessible to my clients no matter where I am. So I will be working and traveling but that is okay by me! It is the beauty of this job.
I have spent so little time on the Europe trip as I am all consumed with Ironman. But with 48 hours between trips I am gearing up for both trips. The first part of the trip is pretty well planned out as we are traveling with JD's soccer team and we have hotels etc. John and Riley arrive on the 29th and can hook up with us and we may leave JD with the team and do some cool exploring, visit Johns friends...will really just wing it. The adventure starts July 4th when we roll into Monaco and become Tour de France groupies. Here is where we have decided to wing it and go with the tour and hope to find lodging. Monaco maybe an issue, but we can drive out of town and surely find someplace. I have spoken to a few others and they never make pre arranged reservations and both said, as long as we are not picky, we will find something. I figure we bring 2 sleeping bags and John and JD can always sleep outside :)
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