Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I missed my flight.....

What a frickin dumb ass!!!! Biggest race of the year for me, my A race. I arrive hour and 5 minutes early. I travel ALL the time and sit and sit waiting for my flight. I think I am being conservative, plenty of time right. NOOOOOO Terminal 2, security line is around the upstairs, across the bridge and starting to snake down to the parking lot. Okay, don't panic, long lines in T1 move so much faster than I ever imagine, I mean come on, how long can it take. Well 45 minutes to be exact and no one was coming around calling people for flights. I am sweating, panicking and trying to not stress, wasted energy. Just get me through security and I can sprint to my gate- last gate in the concourse, thank you very much. Okay, come on, come on.... I take off my shoes, belt, phone, computer out, Ziploc bag of liquids out and I am golden... I can make it and then the dreaded, dreaded works "Bag Check" And yup it is mine!

Damnnnnnn!!! TSA moves at a snails pace. I politely expressing my flight is soon leaving and any expediency she can apply is greatly appreciated. NONE! Next thing I know my $200+ helmet is on the floor, whoops. Then she finds what she is looking for the Gu's....AH dumb, dumb me. Of course they are liquid, my fault. Does she stop there- NO, keeps digging and pulls out my pre measured bag of Carbo Pro powder. Nice, zip lock bag of white powder- does not phase her. So I could be smuggling a quart size bag of cocaine and that is of no concern, but the GU's now those are dangerous!! Right the double caffeine is the trigger.

So she finishes. My masterfully packed back is now all over and she allows me to repack- so I shove and zip and oh wait, have to send it through again. Finally I am off, sprinting to the gate with my race backpack and roller bag and arrive, whew 10 minutes in time. But, wait, Delta closes the gates 15 minutes prior and will not reopen. The plane is still attached and sits for 10 minutes and takes off as I am standing there.

Breathe Julie, breathe- it is only Wed. Plenty of time- Huge breath and nice voice to the agent, please get me on another flight. Next 4 flights to Salt Lake are sold out and I can put you on standby but then cannot guarantee you I can get to Spokane tonight. Best case, takes 6 hours, worse it takes 8 hours to get to Salt Lake and I am stuck. Frantic, check other airlines....nothing. She offers 7:15 tomorrow AM and I will be in CdA by noon.

John and the kids come back nicely and get me and we head home. My 3rd trip to the SD Airport in 3 days and I have yet to go anyplace. Let's home tomorrow is my day :)

So people say "why go so early?" Just stay home and relax. Right.... I am loaded up with energy from tapering and race nerves. I have chewed 1000 pieces of gum and cleaned the house. Right rest up, trying, but well hard to do. I need to get on a plane and get out of here.

Met a good friend for coffee- right just what I needed a latte at 3:30- what was I thinking? They do have decaf? Hello-

Well my bags are packed and I'm ready to go (hey I sound like John Denver) Will be up early, good race day practice and will be there in plenty of time to make my flight! I just have to relax and think good thoughts...... Off to take the dogs for a walk and then I will relax. Right

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