So here I am in Denver for business. I arrive around 11:30, an hour late, due to horrible weather. One of the scariest flight I have ever been on. About 100 miles to DIA the pilot warns of wind and turbulence. The next 15 minutes were major drops and sideways movements. Peoples computers flew off the tables, drinks were tipped, it was downright scary.
We finally arrive, after flying around for an hour, looking for a safe way to get on the ground. Yesterday is was nearly 70 in Denver and I am excited to sneak in a nice run before getting down to work. Exit the plane and through the breezeway is freezing! Literally, snow flurries. And here I was complaining about San Diego yesterday.
Since of course all I have is shorts and a t, I am forced to the treadmill. Nice run, even it was inside. Gotta love the altitude. Showered and changed and off to work.
Legs are feeling good today, despite the suffer fest on Fiesta Island yesterday. I woke up tired and not motivated to swim, let alone to intervals on Fiesta Island. I make it through swim. Sickie announces are are doing an 800M time trial and I let out a groan so loud he makes me repeat is in case the entire pool did not hear my complaint. I just did a 1.2 mile time trial..okay it was a race and it was a few weeks ago, but close enough. Oh and did I mention how cold it was yesterday in SD. So cold that Rocky was shivering on our morning walk. Finish the pool work out and I was happy!!! Took a long, hot shower. Checked my phone twice to see if E cancelled our plans to ride. I even sent her a text asking if she sent me a message canceling....NO! So off I go. We leave from her house and I am still complaining about how cold and tired I am. Enough, enough...we ride to Fiesta and it is by far the windiest day I have ever experiences and was confirmed. We got to work and an hour later the intervals were done and I was soooo glad we did them, They were far from easy, but nothing like a good friend and training part er to push me and to suffer with. And only the two of us can manage to cover pretty much all topics while huffing and puffing in a head wind. I was feeling great and was not too stressed about the ride home UP MT Soledad.
Now I was feeling good!!! Hard word is done and I am off to Starbucks.....love it, love it. Got home and was productive at work- awesome! On a roll.
Hubby called about dinner out with a client....ah, cannot do it. I have to be out of the house Thursday but 5:45 for my flight to Denver. Need to pack, want to be home with the kids and of realize I will be tired soon. So he invites my Dad and step Mom, gotta love that! I was in bed before he came home and out the door before he was up. Hope they all had fun.
Short trip to Denver- home tomorrow afternoon, assuming the snow does not pile up. Back to work.....thankfully dinner is inside the hotel.
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