Monday, May 18, 2009

Sooooo Tired

So since my long run Saturday.....I have been tired and hungry. That is over 48 hours now. KP says, yes, you are tired, that is the goal, but don't push it from here. I took Sunday off and expected to leap out of bed this AM fully recovered and bounding with energy. Not so much, large iced coffee and headed to Masters. It was tough, barely made my interval on the 20x100's. In fact, I was leading and the 2nd one I took an extra 5 seconds before realizing I was actually that slow. Slogged through the w/o and the found myself starving again. Craving Avocado and Sprouts- so nourished that craving and committed to some good work today.

Begged my massage therapist for an appointment, she was full, but squeezed me in tomorrow- thank you Hannah! I am fact too tired to keep writing....

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