We had 3 hours to get the turkey cooking, make the stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry and sweet potatoes. Oh and clean the house and set the table. More coffee and I was ready to roll. John and I did it together.

Here are the girls from dinner....Lori had to go (umm had a date) so here we are. John had dinner with a harem.
Great dinner....turkey was a bit overcooked- first time bbqing a bird and it got done much faster than expected. The sweet potatoes were my favorite and T brought a sweet potato, curry and kale salad that was delish. Desert was mmmm with a Pecan creation by C and how can I forget the fresh bread by L. Everyone helped and it was great- nice long walk with the pups as John slept after dinner.
Missed the kids but nice they could be with their Dad and his family.....each sent me a nice Turkey Text and was able to chat with Dad and a quick call to Mom for a "what do I do with the flappy skin where the turkey head use to be" question and missed my Sis and Bro. With Bro and family in India did not expect to connect and surely sis was as busy as us...all in good thoughts.
So much to be thankful for.....but the top of my list has to be family, wonderful kids, husband and my parents and siblings. Beyond that am blessed with great sis and bro in law and step parents. Being surrounded by my family is one my favorite things. Having a healthy body is another gift I appreciate, one that will take me through this journey of life and tolerate all the suffering of Ironman. And of course my friends...from long ago and now. The ones I talk with daily and the ones intermittently but keep close in my thoughts and memories.
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