So I am running and biking...and I have lost fitness. With 3 weeks of taper and then 3 weeks of wind, cheese and olives, I guess that is to be expected. But well, I am not a patient person and I really don't want to have to wait. But I am doing volume and not looking at power, HR or any gages. Each day I am feeling better and stronger and after my longest ride to date yesterday 3:20 I was tired and sore. And the sick thing is, I loved it. I like that feeling of fatigue when I am walking up stairs or when I wake up. Slowly working my way back up. Hoping by next week I can get in a long ride, 5+hours. I am sticking to what KP says as I don't want to risk injury or any other set backs.
On the rest of life front....took a quick trip to the Bay Area over the weekend for my 25th HS Reunion. Wow.....not a lot to say really, other than it was so good to see my close friends from HS. We met prior to the shin dig and it was so great to catch up and we were chatting away as if not time had passed. They all live in the same area and see each other frequently so it was really me that was the new comer and had all the catching up to do. So many good times, memories and felt great to reconnect. And scary to think of having a Sophomore in HS! We were in trouble by that time and I am hoping we (as parents) are more vigilant parents and can guide the kids through with less risk. The actual reunion was fun for a short time....but awkward as well- everyone checking out name tags and then thinking, "do I know that person?" Or "do I remember that person?" I even want to talk to that person. Felt like a work event in some cases. See when I was in HS I was totally wrapped up in swimming and HS was a small component of my life. I had my great group of awesome girlfriends but not a large group at school, thus....did not have a lot of reconnection's. Did have some and it was great fun, good laughs. Glad I went and really glad to have connected with a few on FB and we can keep track of each other from there.

Meanwhile Riley and I are off to Boulder to see my sis and her family. I have a few days of business in Denver so the trip will be a bit of work and fun. My bro-in law and I have a big ride planned Friday AM, should be great- climbing and the altitude to boot.
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