Saturday, October 12, 2024



My Brief and Painful Affair with Pickleball

So, picture this: it’s 2021, and my best friends have been sucked into the vortex of Pickleball. Meanwhile, I’m knee-deep in Ironman training, and my response to their newfound obsession? Hell no, hell f*cking no! I was not about to sacrifice my hard-earned progress for a game that sounded like a mix between tennis and a snack.Sure, I had a serious case of FOMO, missing out on all the growing pains, the hilarious learning curves, and the epic stories that came with it. But hey, I was racing well and perfectly content to stay in my lane—the forward momentum lane, not the lateral lane. I kept telling myself, “One day, one day…”As my friends continued to play, I realized I’d eventually have to learn the ropes if I wanted to join them. That thought alone was enough to keep me at bay. Then, my son jumped on the Pickleball bandwagon this summer, fully embracing the cult-like enthusiasm that seems to come with it. He’s now an evangelistic pickle baller, spreading the gospel of dinking and smashing like a true believer.So, I devised a plan: post-Ironman Nice, I’d give it a shot.

The Initiation

Gina, bless her heart, took me out for an hour-long crash course in the basics. My knee, which had been a bit jacked up leading to Nice, surprisingly held up during the race. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t the knee that caused my very sad and slow run in Nice. After our session, my knee was cranky but manageable. I even managed to run the next day without too much drama.Then came Sunday, when Ken and Les took John and me out for a proper lesson. We LOVED it and I did not suck as badly as I thought.  Mid-game, I started feeling some “niggles” (a fancy term for “uh-oh”), and post-play, my knee began to swell.F&CK! I laid off running and biking, but the swelling only got worse. My Baker’s cyst decided to throw a party, pressing on tendons and waking me up at night like an unwanted houseguest. I was back to swimming only, taking days off, and seeing no improvement. A few painful, easy bike rides later, and I was still in the same boat.

The Triage

I tried everything: ice, heat, compression, Hypervolt, Shockwave—you name it. Nothing worked. I even found a particularly painful spot with the Hypervolt that seemed like a good thing to hammer on—ouch! Then, while coaching masters, someone casually asked if my calf was okay. I looked down and nearly fainted—my calf was 50% larger than the other one and felt like it was on fire.I called the doctor, worried about a blood clot. An ultrasound cleared me of that but revealed a lot of fluid around my knee and that my cyst had burst, draining into my calf.With a very big and thick needle, the doctor drained 10ml of fluid; let me tell you, it was instant relief! I was finally out of debilitating pain and hopeful about returning to biking and running.

The Retirement

So, here I am, officially “retired” from Pickleball. Don’t you just love it when amateurs announce their retirement? It drives me nuts when I see dramatic posts about it—nobody cares about my short-lived Pickleball career!As a coach, I’ve always been wary of Pickleball. If you don’t regularly move laterally or have any injuries, DON’T DO IT! And if you think Pickleball isn’t affecting your injury, you’re delusional.I’m genuinely sorry to miss out on the hype, the fun, and the future of this couple’s sport and playing with my son. But my heart belongs to biking and running!So for now, goodbye, Pickleball. I’ll be over here, happily pedaling and running my way through life!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Ironman World Championships- Nice 2024 Review

Conquering the Nice Course: A Triathlete's Perspective (mine)  

Swim 🏊‍♀️

The swim in Nice presents a challenge reminiscent of Kona's ocean swim, complete with potential chop and no current assistance. Thankfully, the cooler weather allowed for a wetsuit-legal swim for both pros and age groupers. Be prepared for a tough swim—handling some waves is essential. Just like in Kona prep, logging long swims and learning to navigate chop and wind are crucial. If you're unprepared, this swim can significantly affect you. Note: there are no hose showers like in Kona, so bring a water bottle to rinse off during T1 or risk serious chafing—trust me, you’ll want to avoid that!

Bike 🚵‍♀️

The Nice bike course is nothing short of EPIC! With nearly 8,000 feet of climbing, it’s a one-loop course that boasts stunning scenery. The first five-mile climb is the toughest, so a larger cassette is highly recommended—consider a minimum of  32 if you’re not particularly strong on the hills. While the major climb spans 11 miles, it’s relentless rather than steep, and after that, you’ll enjoy rolling terrain before tackling exhilarating descents.Riding through quaint towns filled with locals cheering in true Tour de France style creates a unique atmosphere. Unlike Kona's hot, windy, and sometimes demoralizing course, Nice offers a cooler, ever-changing environment that transforms the ride into an adventure rather than a grind. Remember that this course requires a different training approach—plan for longer rides and at least an hour more than a standard Ironman. For reference, I completed IM St. George in 5:55, but my time stretched to 6:35 in Nice, with many riders clocking in between 7-8 hours. This extra time can take a toll, so be sure to include at least three rides at your expected bike split in your training.On Monday, we pre-rode the descent and were dropped off at mile 70, which allowed us to tackle the five-mile descent and the last climb. This scouting revealed plenty of opportunities to refuel, with breaks in the descent ensuring you won’t miss out on calories. I started with two higher-concentration bottles instead of three—given the cooler weather, I knew I’d be drinking less early on but still needed to ensure I had enough calories.Aid stations are well-placed for water and Precision Hydration, but you’ll need to bring your own liquid calories or plan on solid nutrition. For those who ride with power, aim for 68-72% of FTP; however, once you’re looking at a 6+ hour ride, that percentage should decrease to avoid too high of TSS, preventing you from being able to run. My Garmin tracks time, distance, 10s average power, normalized power (NP), and heart rate (HR), and I use a lap screen to monitor total time, lap NP, and lap distance. I hit the lap button for each climb to avoid overbiking each section while keeping an eye on total time for nutrition.I recommend a TT bike—there are plenty of opportunities to get aero, and spending time in the aero bars will save your back and shoulders. Consider upgrading to a larger cassette (minimum 32, but 34 or 36 is even better). Remember that this may require a bigger chain and possibly a new derailleur.Make sure to activate your Garmin's sound.

—they’ll alert you to tight turns, which is incredibly helpful for anticipating what’s ahead. Regarding special needs, be prepared to veer off course; taking a few minutes is worth it for the calories you’ll need later. As for temperatures, if the race timing remains the same, expect moderate conditions. Two weeks before the race, it was hot and humid, but after a storm, temps dropped to the mid to high 70s, which was quite comfortable, even a bit chilly at the mountain tops.

Run 🏃‍♀️

The first eight miles of the Kona run course are magical, but the experience can quickly turn lonely on the Queen K and Energy Lab. In Nice, the run consists of four laps along the Promenade. While the first mile is filled with enthusiastic spectators, the crowd thins out as you head toward the airport. However, the company of fellow athletes makes the experience enjoyable, even as darkness descends.The run is mostly flat, with a barely noticeable false flat going out. On race day, we enjoyed a tailwind on the way out, but faced a noticeable headwind coming back. It was warm, but not stifling hot—though it certainly had the potential to be. Contrary to the “no ice” claims, there was plenty of ice, and the aid stations were well-stocked and frequent. Additionally, hoses were available mid-course for a refreshing cool-down.Running past the finish line three times can feel a bit disheartening, but seeing fellow competitors on the course is uplifting. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the stunning scenery—Nice is a course that will test your limits but reward you with unforgettable memories.

Final Thoughts

Preparing for the Nice course requires a unique strategy and mindset. From the challenging swim to the epic bike ride and dynamic run, each segment offers its own set of challenges and rewards. Train smart, stay hydrated, and embrace the journey—your efforts will pay off on race day!