I am not a land animal, I belong in the water!
There is a reason I was a swimmer. I am not a Dr, nor do I play one on TV, but fuck even I can see that toe is not right.
When the radiologist says, Shit.
The Dr. I coach says, not good.
The Podiatrist says, "That's a significant toe fracture. Into the joint and displaced. "
So my question of "can I run on it?" I kept to myself.
How did I do this traumatic injury? Ready for this epic tale. I was doing my morning mobility, which starts with legs swings at my son's house, so in an unfamiliar kitchen. I did not realize there was a freezer door handle behind me. On a full force leg swing, I collided with the door handle for a blinding pain kind of connection. Yes, I broke my toe badly do mobility, FFS being a GOOD athlete! Just cover me in bubble wrap me and keep me in the water. Although I must confess, I did break my foot doing a flip turn in college, so even swimming, I break bones.

So, now what.... starting with a glass
Email exchange with Coach and time to refocus... let the 4/4/48 run challenge go, Everesting again? Suddenly seems like a great idea, LOL, #DIYGravel- sure why not. ANYONE riding bikes, please hit me up!
And why not swim 10K in the Carlsbad Lagoon on Sunday AM because Hillary is nuts and it's her birthday.
I really have no words... well I do "at least there are not any races."
So the adventures continue... Can I say FUCK me, one more time?
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