We have not made a big COVID purchase but our coffee grinder and toaster both died last week. The coffee grinder was at least 20 years old and the toaster 15, so not too upset but both needed replacing pronto.
Segway to the podcast, bear with me here.. Brene Brown, if you don't know who she is you should! I discovered her 10+ years ago when dealing with some issues with my daughter and have loved her since. She broke out with an amazing Ted Talk The Power of Vulnerability and it is simply amazing. She regretted it but she opened the door to discuss topics that had not been discussed. She is widely published and given a few more talks, a cameo in Wine Country, the movie and she has launched a podcast. The first few were great and then I listened to her 2 part interview with Harriet Lerner "I'm sorry; How to Apologize & Why It Matters. To say it was amazing does not do it justice, to say I was moved does not do it justice, it is simply life-changing, or it can be if you allow it to be. I have listened 2x and need to hear it again. If you are a person who knows one other person you NEED to hear this. And hopefully, your partner will be as willing as mine to listen as well. Brene is brilliant and Harriet too- the combo together is great. There is a reference in the pod to "5 bananas" and it has become a metaphor for our house. It's one of those scenarios ALL couples have, a simple act, that is blown so FAR out of proportion it culminates is a huge fight.

I digress to the broken coffee grinder. We did not handle this well, it was a "five banana". We argued, went back and forth, raised voices, and even needed a time out over a fucking coffee grinder. Here is me at my best, loud voice. "NO I don't want to fucking work out when I am grinding my coffee, why can't we use the wonderful invention ( aggressively point to the wall socket), and get the grinder that plugs in? When I think of YOUR manual idea, it's offensive (yes I said this not sure why) " and for the final drama "I'll just buy ground coffee if you HAVE to have that" We purchased this one on the right.
We did not purchase this one (above)
This was exhausting.
2 days later the toaster goes. I was scared for a five banana/coffee grinder blowout, but instead, we used new skills from Brene and Harriet and had a masterful discussion that did not lead to yelling, did not force the dogs to run for cover, did not exhaust us!
And we have a $300 toaster. But it is a smart toaster John is passionate about toast and he is very impatient. A few times a week there is a rant about how long the GD toaster takes to toast. So the passing of our Cuisinart opened the door for an upgrade. John has been jonesing for the Queen's toaster. The Dualit $250, mind you. Who spends that on a toaster? But after extensive research, reviews and discussion, all quite calmly, we managed to spend $300 on the ..... Revolution Toaster. Call that our COVID purchase.
1 week in, I can tell you it toasts faster and this may lead to injury. Why you ask? See I am addicted to Zen Bakery Cinnamon Raison Rolls . So nearly every morning when I drop one in the toaster I do my mobility while it toasts, usually, 3 min or so and NOW, 2 min and the roll is ready. So I like to yell "IT'S TOO FAST"
Actually, I like it and my rolls feel special and smart being prepared in such an amazing way. LOL No app for the toaster, at least not yet. The Williams Sonoma site says "available exclusively through Williams Sonoma" but we bought this at BBB.
Segway to the podc

We did not purchase this one (above)
This was exhausting.
2 days later the toaster goes. I was scared for a five banana/coffee grinder blowout, but instead, we used new skills from Brene and Harriet and had a masterful discussion that did not lead to yelling, did not force the dogs to run for cover, did not exhaust us!
And we have a $300 toaster. But it is a smart toaster John is passionate about toast and he is very impatient. A few times a week there is a rant about how long the GD toaster takes to toast. So the passing of our Cuisinart opened the door for an upgrade. John has been jonesing for the Queen's toaster. The Dualit $250, mind you. Who spends that on a toaster? But after extensive research, reviews and discussion, all quite calmly, we managed to spend $300 on the ..... Revolution Toaster. Call that our COVID purchase.

1 week in, I can tell you it toasts faster and this may lead to injury. Why you ask? See I am addicted to Zen Bakery Cinnamon Raison Rolls . So nearly every morning when I drop one in the toaster I do my mobility while it toasts, usually, 3 min or so and NOW, 2 min and the roll is ready. So I like to yell "IT'S TOO FAST"
Actually, I like it and my rolls feel special and smart being prepared in such an amazing way. LOL No app for the toaster, at least not yet. The Williams Sonoma site says "available exclusively through Williams Sonoma" but we bought this at BBB.
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