Well, considering this is a first, we are entering into uncharted territory- I leave this so my coach to figure out.
Post IMCA I had 4 weeks to CdA.
-Week 1: only real training was a 30 min recovery swim and 2x cruiser bike rides in Vancouver. The rest was travel, dog walking and a work trip. I do eat a lot the first few days post race - after one gluttonous meal I try to get back to my clean eating but the calorie intake is high.
- Week 2: was 19 hours but a lot of very aerobic training.
Swim: 3 masters swims - 4100-4500 yards each
Bike: 2 really easy 3 hour bikes, 1 hour spin and a 5 hour ride with 3 hours of IM watts and 1 hour of 85%.
Run: 3 runs
1st run was Tue (9 days post IM) 45 min and legs felt good, Thur 45 min run and Sat was my "long run" of 1:35
Yoga: 2x hot yoga
- Week 3:
Swim: 2 x 5k masters swims and 2 x recovery 30 min swims
Bike: 2x 2 hour bike sessions with a some short intervals
Run: 4 runs 1x 35 min with pick ups, 1x30 min ez, 1x 22 OTB, 1x45 min
Yoga: 2x hot yoga
- Week 4 Race Week
normal race week- 4k masters on Monday and the rest was 45 in bike with pick ups, short runs and swims and 1 hot yoga
Bam! there you go!
Post IMCdA
This was a bit more focused.... Post race I ate a steak and mashed potatoes- yes I did. It looked good and I went for it!
I have been in the Normatec Recovery Boots every day min 30 min and if possible 2x 30 min sessions
Deep Tissue massage on thursday followed by Epson Salt bath
Mon: travel day - OFF
Tue: 30 min ez swim and 30 min spin
Wed: 90 min ez spin
Thu: 45 min swim
Fri: 4k swim, 1 hour hot yoga and 10 min pool running
Sat: 2.5 hour ez ride, body weight strength work and 20 min pool run
Sun: 4500 y masters and 25 min pool run with intervals
I have a roughly outlined schedule from coach but we are going to stay flexible to see how I come around.
Tomorrow i finally get to run outside! I am pool running on days I am not outside to build on the run but not take the beating. BTW I really DISLIKE pool running. Yes I have a waterproof iPod, but it is just plain boring. For more on pool running and how to do it? here is a great article.
My body feels pretty good, except my feet. I had to go to the Dr and he removed on toenail and lanced the other toe, which is now infected, and the nail will drop off soon. Today is the first day they don't hurt just siting here. I started soaking them in epsom salt and putting bacitracin + bandaids on.
Next priority is shoes! Thank you to Dan Beaver, owner of Cadence Running in Glibert, AZ for reaching out to me with some suggestions.
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