Big training.....Big weekend....Big fun....Not Big people but Fun People.....
PacWest, out of San Francisco, put on it's 1st Annual San Diego Training Camp! Perfect prep for O'side 70.3.
The camp was based at the La Jolla Shores Hotel- beautiful spot in La Jolla and a nice place to be based for 4 days of

So camp began Thur AM with a 1 hour run- steady pace. 1 hour break and then we had s short break and then we headed to UCSD for a 5000k+ workout. Ugh.... short break and on the bikes for a solid 3 hour ride- goal was zone 2, ease into it but there was a lot of pent up energy and it was an off and on hammer fest...thank goodness the ride was up the coast so there were stop lights to quell the craziness. There were 22 peeps in PacWest cycling kits and me the lone Nytro girl. Sort of like Where's Waldo in the pack.
I finished, changed in the parking lot and jumped in the car, fought rush our traffic and made it home just in time for a school meeting, with a quick stop for a Venti Latte with an extra shot. Tumbled into bed and up at 5:30 for day 2.
Rolled from La Jolla Shores for a 4+hour ride- ride should not have been too crazy but maps were not handed out and the leaders, fast dudes, did not know the route so it was up to me. Nothing like pushing 300+ watts, 170bpmHR to catch up to call out the next turn....It took all I had to keep the ride on track. I loved it Lunch and back to UCSD for another 90 min, 5000+ yard workout. Swim done, shoes on and an hour run...the awesome part of the run was it finished running down La Jolla Shores Drive to the hotel. 1 hour and then dinner.
Newton Running sponsored out dinner and it was a lot of eating before everyone settled in for some social time. We were all so thrilled to see food not in a package or food that was no sugary sweet. Keith Simmons, owner of Xterra Westsuits and now President of Newton joined us as well. Fun to hear more about Newton. I love the shoes...but have to say I am finishing a week running in my Zoot Ultra Tempo and I love, love them! They are light and super comfortable. I have to lube my foot with Aquaphor as I ease into the no socks, but I have put 50+ miles on them in 10 days and they feel good. I am excited to finally be sock free come race day. Once we filled up with food, had a beer and some good conversation we were headed to bed and fast. 8:30 I think and I was horizontal and happy. I checked into the hotel for Friday and Saturday, as the training got longer I needed a room for downtime and less driving.

Up and rolling at 7 for 90 mile ride- this time everyone had maps and a preride talk! We rode through RB and up 78 to Ramona and everyone loved the ride. Close to 70 degrees and sensational day. The descent down Highland Valley was fun for all and we slogged it back to LJ. Around 75 our small group was bonking we detoured to Chevron and powered through a big bottle of Coke- Ironman style. We took turns pulling home and we made it!
30 min run off the bike, 30 min swim and and hour to chill out and eat! Then it was off to dinner at KI's in Encinitas. Thank you Blue Bikes and Speedfil for the grilled mahi mahi and chicken tacos. So funny we all drag into Ki's and everyone lights up because the food is ready. Piles upon piles and we are happy once again! Good fun, fast bikes and cook insight into the newest Speedfil product coming out in June.
In bed by 8:30- Yes! Bummer was I was up at 12, 2 and 4 for a long time...sort of that post race feeling- dead tired, lots of adrenaline surging through your body, too much caffeine. All I wanted was to sleep.... Sunday was a late day- we had to be suited up by 8. First time in my new Zoot Prophet Wet Suit - it was comfy! I would have been happy to suit up and then take it off, but we had a 2 mile OW swim planned. All I can say is the Ocean is still wicked cold! Swimming to the Cove was ok but about 1/2 way back feet went numb and I was shivering. The good news is I love the wetsuit- 1st time wearing it and no hickies on my neck, ez to get off. In fact I had a wicked fast transition and was into the hot tub.
Coach had to drag us out for the final fun- 14 mile run up La Jolla Shores and down Torrey and then back. Thank goodness for some great conversation, good company and the random aid station by a bike mechanic- on the verge of bonking but saved by a banana!
All said and done....22 hours in 4 days and I was baked. Ice bath, hot shower and headed home...stopped at Peet's for large Mocha and then to Whole Foods. I sampled all that there was and ended up with Kale Salad, BrusselZoot Compression Tights, pink Crocs, hoodie and a beanie I was ready to drive home and return to my family!
We celebrated Mom's 77th birthday with grilled lamb, thanks to JD, and a delicious lemon and whipped cream cake thanks to Riley! Curried yams and Parmesan roasted brussel sprouts thanks to me. A team effort, nice family night and I was in bed by 9- score!!!
Woke up today missing my PacWest buddies..but secretly happy to not be swimming, biking or running. Today was all about eating...seriously I need to stop :)
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