We found a compassionate vet who started a wonderful business http://www.peacefulpassingpets.com/
Rocky was in his bed in his favorite spot, surrounded by his pack and we said goodbye and held him as he passed on. He was happy and snoring one minute and left us soon thereafter.
As a family we cried and held him and shared our favorite Rocky stories.....Zen was hyper and begging for attention and then he just laid down with us, he knew. Grieving is a process and we took the 1st step. Having family to hug and be hugged by helps.....
His dog tags are with me now and I plan to use them for support and encouragement from here on out. Riley has his old tag and will carry with her. JD has Rock's picture on his phone...he will be with us forever in spirit.
Thank S family for delivering the book Dog Heaven we cried, laughed and cried some more. They took the time to insert wonderful pictures of Rocky....the tale is what you hope is the truth. Dog treats and dog love...
We love you Rocky and thank you for all you gave to us!
Tim and I are sorry for your loss. We'll miss the Rocky stories.