Friday, July 2, 2021

Ironman Coeur d'Alene 2021 #didnotdisappoint

 My first thought is FckYa!!!

I am not a writer, I am not eloquent, and I stress about that sometimes, but today, this is from the gut, the heart, and how it went down. 

Weather Forecast of 101 was terrifying to me for so many reasons, but mostly the fact I sweat out 74oz per hour + 2200 mg of sodium and the Korey Stringer Institute told me, "best plan for you is cool races, you are not meant to race in the heat."

But CdA was going to HOT.  I freaked out mid-week, for a minute and then worked on my mental game to focus on what I could control. my attitude, my race plan, and my nutrition.

Saturday: 3000MG of sodium throughout the day + 575 g of Carbohydrates, I don't count calories but focus on all the carbs!  No whole grains or veggies.

Sunday:  Terrible night sleep; I usually get 5 hours pre-race, I got maybe 3.

- Did not poop in AM; it happens 360 days of the year, but NOT race day (ever)
+ 600 calories PBJ on organic white bread
+ Yeti Cup Coffee (first caffeine in 7 days, and it was amazing)  Yes, I did a caffeine taper, and it was glorious to feel the drug running through my veins again.
+ 1000 mg sodiym from PH 1000 I+ BCAAs
+ 1500 mg PH in  Togo cup 
- out the door 3:50 and at Transition by 4.  All good, tires pumped 85/90pst, 3 bottles on the bike (2 frozen), 3 bottles in a Whole Foods Cold Bag with ice to special needs, frozen hydration vest, Run Special needs - handheld bottle and back up everything (socks, glide, gels, salt pills, caffeine pill)

Hung with the NYX crew,  was legit 100% relaxed!  
Go time, and it was magic on the beach with Mike Reilly and the music, this is my happy place.  Chilled with Potter, a long-time IM friend, and saw many friendly faces, more of what I love about Ironman.   15 years of racing and some of these peeps I only see at races.
Off- 2 loops swim, and it was solid, 2nd loop a bit choppy and chaotic as we were catching the swimmers who entered later.  56:36 solid, not my best or worst, but came out feeling great! Swimming in that chop is when you alter your stroke, short and fast, not reaching and gliding.  This is where band only swimming pays off.

Bike.  Loop 1 was what Ironman should be, holding back, feeling great, and rolling!   Loop 2, the heat was ON, hot AF, and this was my first strategic decision, back it off 10-15 watts; this will be a race of attrition. Be smart and fuel, fuel!!  
- 14 bottles = 336 oz of fluid, 8000 mg sodium (combo PH 1500 and Spring), 1650 calories of Spring Energy Hydration + 1/2 of a Speed Nut Gel (Spring), 1/4 of PBJ - too hot to eat.  5:40:37.  At the end of loop 1, I thought I can ride 5:40, but I am SO glad I dialed it back and trusted my gut.  

Rolling into T2, my feet were on fire, I was on fire, I slowed .5 miles out to grab 2 large ice-cold bottles of water.   I was SO lucky to be racked under a tree.  I sat in the grass and poured 48 oz of ice water over my head, down my jersey on my feet. This was my 2nd strategic decision, don't rush T2.  It was over 7 min, but I was cool, hydrated, and ready to go.

Run:  My legs were good, but man, it was hot.  Off I went, forcing myself to slow down.  It was so amazing to see the NYX Tent and all-out sherpas.  The CdA run course is always special, but in that heat, the support of the neighbors with hoses EVERY where + sprinklers, + the aid stations was a saving grace.  John let me know my lead was substantial and to be smart and NOT overrun.   I walked the aid stations to get in as much ice/water/liquid I could.  I ran the first 9miles with my hydration pack and drank 1.5L + 1500 mg of sodium.  Game changer.  Onto loop 2, it was so hot, I used very host, super soaker, water option to try and stay cool.  I dropped the vest at mile 10 and used my handheld, which did not have a spout big enough for ice, ARH!!!  So was hemorrhaging time getting fluids at the aid stations. On this lap, people are dropping, on the grass, on the sidewalk, and so so many walking.  My plan just to keep running!   I was taking in 500ml every 2 miles with 750mg sodium.  Every 45 min a Spring Energy Gel and was good!    Onto loop 3, and the shit gets real.  I am convinced we are on the surface of the sun,  Shit got real fast, and now it's all mental.

- Walk only to the aid stations
- Keep moving
-Be happy you are not puking like that guy or shitting yourself like that girl; you have done both many times
- Remember how lucky I am to be racing
- Realize most are walking around me, except for the speedsters going in the other direction
- this is the last time I will see that kid
dy pool, that unicorn - is that a unicorn, or am I hallucinating? It's a unicorn.  
- The teenagers in bikinis handing out OtterPops was probably the most amazing thing ever, thank them, and don't yell, "put some clothes on, you will ruin that beautiful skin in the sun, look at all my wrinkles?"  Remember to get one on the way back too. 
- Mild panic around  20 when I had to poop, oh no, oh no, without too much detail, let's just say I pooped- said a prayer to the GI Gods for a solid poo and not what was all over the porta-potty. 
So far, I have donated a hydration pack with a broken buckle and my handheld water bottle.- Ran a mile chanting to myself, I pooped, I pooped.  At this point, I realize I am losing it, cannot recall if I drank or not, oh wait, look at the bottle you are carrying, and one time I looked down, and it was gone, no clue where I left that. Realizing my hands are empty is entertaining for a while.
At- Next aid station, I see a guy in the kiddie pool meant for the cold towels, volunteers are yelling at him, and I am jealous.  Time for Pepsi; how much can I drink at every aid station 
- Next thing I know, it was mile 25 and time to go.. leave what I had on the course. There was not a lot, but it was running to the finish line.

The IM CdA finish line is amazing. Sherman Ave is packed with screaming people, and it's a slight downhill, and boom, there is the red carpet.  Cue the tears for Ironman #16. I cry at every finish line!  

Nuggets of WHAT worked 
- Visor over the hat, a first for me!  the ability to cool my head was key
- BettyDesigns for the best kits on the course!  
- Changed from my NYX Kit to NYX Tank and Lulu shorts for the run!  
- Smashfest bra with pockets, 4 gels in my bra, no issues, no chafing!
- Smashfest socks with BodyGlide Liquid in the socks. 0, let me again say 0 blisters, and my feet were soaked from mile 1.  This is a FIRST for me!  The socks are magic 
- Hydration pack for 9 miles, no way to get that amount of fluid in from aid stations
- Liquid nutrition on the bike, good luck chewing, and eating in 101 degrees. 

The AG win is fantastic, but the bigger win was managing the heat!  I think I have FINALLY figured it out....  we shall see on 10/9.   

My #1 fan and love was ALL over that course, John. I cannot imagine racing Ironman without him, and so so appreciate his commitment.  Huge thanks to Coach Marilyn; this was a big win for both of us!  So excited to keep rocking!   

Racing alongside my business partners Laura and Alison, along with 9 NYX Athletes, was exceptional.  Seeing our kits all over the course, run by the NYX tent each time, brought a giant smile to my face. We have created something special.

Our athletes spanned from 11:27- 16:49, and we were there to cheer them on!  Cheering on our final athletes at 11:30pm was the perfect closure to an amazing day.  

27% DNF rate, highest in Ironman history.  It was a day!!  And one I am eternally grateful for, I now am NOT afraid of the heat! 

1 comment:

  1. Julie - I LOVE your race report and I LOVE your smile! You earned your Kona spot fair & square! You did everything right and I am always SO impressed by your drive, your grit, your perseverance, your amazing attitude and your athletic ability! You seriously MAKE things happen and I am in awe! Wishing you an incredible race in Kona!
