Okay other than Ironman in 4 weeks.... I don't want to discuss it. Not because it
I am stressed and worried, just because. Isn't that enough? While riding the PS Century I noticed that it seemed easier to hop back on my bike after stopping... easier how? not sure but easier. And I noticed a few weeks ago that my saddle on my road bike seemed really high. And I had some weird knee pain. And, and,.... how many clues does it take. Well when I showed up on Wed at 6:30 am in 37 degree weather to ride...I hopped on my bike and it was clear the saddle had dropped and was falling.... within 20 minutes I was like the Shriner's Clown in a parade. Bad to bail on the ride and run instead... and realized my saddle was crazy low. With my
very confusing super cool bike, I could not get the saddle to go up and also realized I did not mark the height so even if I could figure out how to raise it, I had no idea where to raise it to.....
So back to rock star Nestor at

...and well the saddle has dropped 6cm. Holy cow.... explains a lot! It's funny I am so on top of this with the athletes I coach who have issues that crop up but did not occur to me AND I have a new bike.... My power files have been off and I was totally panicking that I was losing bike fitness left and right yet was not getting killed on rides. It made no sense.... I was out of the saddle a lot- gee there is one way to generate power. In any case.... got that fixed! Thankfully sooner than later... Also took the time to deal with my cramping foot. How? New shoes of course... seems when my cycling shoes are "done" or
I don't like the color and style any more my feet cramp around 4 hours. After 3 rides of adjusting and readjusting the strap it dawned on me. Time to go shopping!! My husband says "what about your other shoes?" What the really old, heavy, comfortable ones? yes...oh those. Nope won't work... actually they will not as they are a tad too big and only really fit well with socks and I will not wear socks in an Ironman. Without socks it is a constant adjustment for the right pressure, but not too much....

So I now have new shoes and I love them!!! One strap and really comfy....at least they were for this weekends long ride. So checking off the IM list- bike good, shoes good, new cleats.
As for what else....I am super excited to be the Head Run Coach for

1/2 marathon running program. 30 +- peeps training for Sonoma-Napa, Kona or Chicago 1/2 marathon. They contacted me a while back and I was curious but initially thought give up every Saturday? What I can't that is when I ride.....but honestly the program starts March 2nd, 2 weeks before IM so not a big deal and after IM I was planning to mix it up - so this is step 1 in mixing it up. We are currently recruiting people for the program so that entails 5 meetings where the team educates potential participants on the program...I get to do my pitch on how I will get you to the finish line! Meeting 1 was great.... This is an important part for me right now. When my kids were younger I volunteered in their school, sports or where ever and I felt good about that. Now.... I don't seem to be giving as much. While this is a paid position, given the time commitment, it really qualifies as volunteering when we are all said and done. The energy of the team is addictive and learning more about such horrible diseases (where there is no cure) is very sad...so if I can help bring awareness to the cause then all the better. Most participants have never done a 1/2 marathon and are nervous and anxious yet eager to raise $, be a part of a team and achieve a goal. I am excited to be their coach!!!
My other "branching out" move is coaching Friday AM Masters Swim at Frogs in Camel Mountain. They are launching a morning masters M-F 5:30-6:30 and asked me to coach. I am passionate about swimming and a good masters program. I am eager to help build this up....we desperately need a good program in this area and it should be great fun! Begins March 1.... $35/month for member and $65 for non-members... 1st 2x are free so come check it out - Fridays I will be on deck.