Wanna take a guess? Thank God Kona is Over. I am not going to lie; I had some major KONA FOMO last week. I know I did not race this year to try and KQ, but regardless, I wanted to be there. Race week in Kona is simply fun. There is a buzz that is indescribable; there are reunions with so many friends and competitors that I only see once a year if I go. Walking down Alii and seeing familiar faces is what makes the week. Eating a Lava Java, checking out the bike porn, pro’s running up and down the road, the nervous energy of the big dance. Add the Insta and FB Kona spam, and I was cranky. So there, I admitted it. I realize my life is blessed and that I can be “upset” about not being in Kona. My health is good, my family is healthy and happy, and we have what we need. I have perspective FWIW.
But come Saturday I was all in for the master spectating. With a modified workout due to rain and a bit of a recovery week my Saturday was a trainer/run/trainer workout it was the perfect day to watch Kona! Trainer sesh #1 was too early for Kona. Run was long and tough – but whenever it was getting tough, and my attitude was slipped I channeled Kona! Back to the bike and we had Kona Live on the flatscreen. The coverage was great this year, although I think the men’s race, received much more air time. I was glued to the screen until the final female pros were running in. Watching the best in our sports gut it out, some making it look effortless and others showing their sheer agony. The commentators did a great job talking about bike form, run form, etc. Always too much to learn. I wish they had spent more time on the 2-7th place of the women’s race which was fantastic. Watching Rinny move her way through the field, Anne Haug’s running form unchanging from mile 4-24 to name a few. It was a record-breaking day and fun to watch! But happy we are past it 😉
My takeaways from IMWC 2018
- - It was the best, fastest year ever and never ever will it be that calm or fast again, ever, ever ever, ever.
- - Lange is an aid station hustler. Watch this – taking the 2L bottle of coke. Every aid station he was a master at cooling, drinking, sponges- lesson for IMCOZ
- - Did I mention it was a calm fast year
- - Watching IMWC is more enjoyable than racing, but I’d rather be racing
- - It was a fast calm year
- - Run form- Fck the solid runners DON’T lose their form #workinprogress
- - It was a great year to race in Kona
- - You NEVER know what is happening to others on the race course- Tracking I watched some super solid runners get off the bike in the top of their AG, and a few DNF’s, a few blew up, and a few crushed it. You NEVER know, so DON’T give up.
- - It was an amazing day
- - Longer sleeves on the bike and run-- sleeves to elbows and nearly to the knees
- Swim like Lucy but run like Anne
So what else…I dug a grave, crawled in and was too tired to cover myself up. Last week started off rough with my Tue bike/run workouts and “we” hoped a few aerobic days would be good for a solid weekend. Let’s just say they were not. Saturday was a strugglefest in many ways! I got it done but it was NOT pretty, paces off, everything hurt. It was that kind of feeling that I have had over the years of “being on the edge” as in something will pull, tear or break if I don’t let up.

I am heading into a big 3 days- 5 hours x 3 days and hope that the time off will allow me to crush the workouts I have laid out! A bit of unconventional training this weekend, challenging differently and will be “fun” One day at a time. One week at a time. IMCOZ is on the horizon.
Racing at 95% vs. 105% is always better. If you are overcooked, you cannot dig deep. Racing an IM is about how deep you can go, how long you can suffer. Watching the pro’s in front, they make it look easy, but watching the others, you can see the pain, suffering and the deep desire to hold their place, move up or pass. (even if it was the BEST year in KONA EVER)