Definitely in a sweet spot right now.... logged 2 hours 20 min of running last week. No garmin
too afraid to see the pace but I am feeling less like a baby giraffe. Fluidity is coming back and form feels decent.

En route to Boulder with a stop in Denver for some real work and than some solid training at a
D3 Multisport camp. Boulder is easy for me, as my sister lives there with a sweet guest apartment. So I can move in, work, train and be in a new environment. I have a lot going on with my other job so there will be a lot of early morning calls, working on the phone but I can make it work. It's what I love about
HPN Global - I can work from any where and can set my own hours- as long as I am willing get up at 4 and work into the evening, I can get it done. Coaching is the same I can do it from anywhere and at any time. Reviewing workouts in the evening or early morning, updating scheudles etc can be done at any time.
I am
very nervous really excited to run with my coach this week so he can asses my run form. Okay to be totally honest I am worried, I am very insecure about my running, even when I am in top shape, so to be not in shape is scary. It's funny when someone watches me swim or ride I am not worried. When I receive feedback I embrace it and put the the changes to work. Running, where I need the most feedback, I fear it. I think this is because when I get the bike and swim feedback, I can put it into action fairly easily, where as the running I feel I try and try and still the form is not right. Ugh :)
Not really sure what this is but well just seemed appropriate
Human nature is to work our our strengths because it is fun and easy. Why do most triathletes swim the least, it is their weakest discipline (and many will argue the shortest and Ironman is not won in the swim. True but it can be lost.) Lost as in if you are going for a podium slot if you come out too far back you cannot make it up, if you are going for a PR and are not in good swim shape the 2.4 mile swim will tank you- use up too much energy that you will be looking for at mile 20 on the run )
In any case....the run. Front and center for me.
It's funny I was a runner for years, prior to finding triathlon. I was not self conscious I just ran and was happy with what I did
until I became obsessive and started the cycle of injury" I was never a great runner so I did not get hung up on it. Now it is my run that is holding me from achieving the next level in triathlon.
Right now it is physical as I am building back but a big part of it I know is mental. So along with build back my run and using the data to show what I can run off the bike, I have some mental skills to work on. We always have something to work on and that is what I love about sports in general but triathlon especially as there are many "opportunities". So many goals to set. My short term goals are getting to run 1 hour, long term goals are back to the mile repeats
really I did not just say that. In all seriousness those
painful, f'ing repeats started to build my run confidence.
I've had a few people ask me why/how I got "so hurt", 11 weeks not running hurt. And even why did I let my coach do that. When an athlete gets hurt it is their fault 100%- even if the the coach said suck it up, run through the pain- it is still your responsibility to listen to your body. That little voice or that loud screaming voice that says, this is too much, I don't feel right- is one you MUST listen to.
As a coach there is NO way I can tell how you are feeling, I can use metrics to see that you maybe tired, on the edge but I cannot tell from TP if you are feeling a twinge or something that is not right. You as the athlete need to say "im tired, x does not feel right" And then we dial it back A few of my athletes that are really pushing it now are seeing this and getting it. They are saying "im baked and worried about the weekend" "totally flat in the water, feeling run down" "hr would not raise" "hungry all the time and not sleeping well" With this feedback we take day off or change an interval bike to a spin and ofen 2 days later they are crushing 7+ hour days. This is the $$$ if they had forced that wed or thur workout, we risk injury or a sub optional long day.
So back to me, this is all about me, right. Why/how did I get injured. No one issue
1- ran San Dieguito 1/2 in Newtons- epic error. Calves were seriously worked - as in I could not really walk worked. Did not get this worked out immediately and calves were compromised.
2- new bike fit and my saddle was tilted down a bit which put extra pressure on my calves when biking. When I was riding aero and working had I was using my tibilais anterior muscles which was a new sensation. More stress on the calf/shin.
3- solid running block. I was on the edge and I could feel it. Just walking around I was sore, a misstep here or there and I did not feel right. I sort of raised my hand to coach and we dialed it back a bit. Here is big mistake. Instead of I'm a bit tired" I should have said "I'm worked, my body is not right and I am worried about getting hurt" Clear message of recovery week needed
4 - my back fired up- sign of fatigue and this lead to compensating running for the severe back pain.
5- timing- with Oceanside looming it was the last solid week of running and my thoughts of if I can get these 2 runs in I am good to go. WRONG If I had skipped those 2 runs, I probably would have been able to race Oceanside and definitely St George.
6- the run I felt the twinges of pain were a sign. the hard run OTB was not right, pain and compensation. the final 10 miler where the pain was prevalent and I just finished it UGH to turn back the clock
7- Newer relationship. My #1 goal is to improve my run, so the idea of calling my new coach and saying I need a break was hard. The fear of "how will you get faster if you don't do the work", he will think I am a wimp. Long term coach/athlete relationships trump here as you are past the "impress the coach " phase the the coach, the coach knows the athlete well, sometimes better than they know themselves. This is why many consistent athletes work with the same coach year after year. If you have a good relationship, stick with it and you will be consistency working together to fine tune, focus on weaknesses, improve in all areas etc ... You are past the understanding personalities, what motivates an athlete, what their life stresses are etc.
So yes more fun on deck!