I am still swimming alot ( well not Ironma alot but a lot more than I was swimming) .... not as much as I was a few weeks ago but more than I did July-Oct. When all you can do is swim, I swim a lot. But then add spinning and then graduate to riding (outside) and I would rather be riding outside on my bike. Even linked a few workouts together and swam then rode, sort of feeling like a triathlete again, Double workouts and all! I am thankful for Leslie who is on the IR list as well as a runner, took a few months of recreational riding and swimming who is now training as well. We are ramping back up together. And she truly understands the pure glory in running 10 minutes.
The weather has been warm and wonderful for riding. So fun to be outside with my girlfriends on my bike! While I loved "lunching" and having coffee, I so prefer riding and chatting....
I have 4, yes count them 4 x 10 minute runs under my belt. It really is sad when I am excited about 40 minutes of running in 7 days....alas. The good news is NO knee pain. Stiff, yes, a bit inflexible, but loosening up (thanks to the master Gino and his magical hand at ART) as well as Dr Chad Wells. Yes I am actively rehabbing as best I can. The bummer, huge fricking no fair bummer. is that I have Plantar Fascitis in my left foot. WTH, its not like I have been running. The unfairness of this all is that it flared up when my mom was in the hospital 3+ days on tile floor in flip flops, dumb ass me, as well as favoring my right leg due to surgery and after the 3rd day I was wondering why me heel hurt so badly. Light bulb went off....really PF from standing in bad shoes on hard floors for 3 days. Dr asked if there was anyway I was running laps at night....I wish. Hopefully I get this under control ASAP...night splint, orthotics, socks...you name it. I am so desperate right now I swear if my Dr told me that putting bananas in my shoes and dying my hair purple would make the PF go away I would do it. #desperatetorun
Bummed I missed the TCSD Pre-Viewing of Kona. Had it all planned out....conference call 3-4, head to Mission Bay for event (bring John along) leave a bit early and cruise to Encinitas for Kona party. What really happened... so tired took a 10 min power nap, didn't walk the dogs before my confernece all, quick walk with the dogs and Zen went in the black murky swam, bath time, change clothes...head to work function at 5:00 not 4:00 and now it is 6:45 still in Mission Bay and just not in the cards to go to Encinitas. So John and I met for a nice dinner at Catch (near Peets off the 56) We are both going a million miles an hour and it was good to connect. Food was great but staff is not good good...sloppy, not well spoken and did not understand my question about whether the fish was farm raised or line caught. He looked at me like I was crazy...fish farm? I could almost see the bubble above his head of a cow pasture with fish. Hopefully they figure it out...the sashimi was delicious!
Baking and cooking....2 good recipes form the weekend
Banana Pumpkin Breakfast Bread
Power through your mornings with this nutrient-packed fall treat from triathlete-chef Lentine Zahler.
1 cup unbleached white flour (used GF flour)
1 cup spelt flour (or whole-wheat flour)
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
¼ tsp salt
¾ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
½ tsp ground ginger
1 cup puréed pumpkin (home roasted or canned)
1 ripe banana, mashed
½ cup unsweetened, canned coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 T unsalted butter, softened (used coconut oil)
2/3 cup evaporated cane juice (cane sugar)
2 large eggs*
1 cup golden and red raisins
1 cup toasted pumpkin seeds
Powdered sugar (optional) did not use
*Can substitute 2 T ground flaxseed and 4 T warm water
- see link for details
Kale and Roasted Vegetable Soup
- 3 medium carrots, peeled and quartered lenthwise
- 2 large tomatoes, quartered
- 1 large onion, cut into 8 wedges or 4 or 5 slices
- 1/2 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded, cut lengthwise into 1/2 inch thick wedges
- 6 garlic cloves
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 6 cups or more of vegetable broth*
- 4 cups of finely chopped kale
- 3 large fresh thyme sprigs
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 15 oz can of Great Northern white beans, drained
If cooking gluten-free, use gluten-free broth.