My race prep for Vineman was different...really different. Going back to March 17 with a pulled hamstring. No running 6 weeks and then did short and fast but not back to back days Raced ITU in May and ran a great 10k at 44:51 (which is fast for me) While I was not running I started Crossfit 3-4 days a week as well as CorePower Yoga. I think the yoga help rehab the hamstring better than anything else. Soon I was running and riding regularly but was committed to CF and had to sacrifice many bike and run workouts due to serious muscle soreness.
Trying bike intervals following a day at CF of squats to failure does not work.... I had a few rides that my power was low, really low and I just went with what I had for the day. Once the hamstring was healed I ran a min of 30 min a day for 30 days. This was interesting as some days I was so smashed and sore from CF that it was hard but I found that with consistency the running on really sore legs became easier. I ran "long" each weekend in the trails ( when I say long I mean 90min-1:45) and I did trails because I was sore and did not want to see the horrifically slow pace. And Mako and John like trails.
I did have a solid month of riding and running 5 weeks out and was feeling better about the race. 3 weeks prior to Vineman I stopped Crossfit entirely. I really wanted to lay down some solid rides and runs and with Crossfit you just never know what you are going to get.
Pre race dinner- fun to see C from SD |
All was in check until 2 weeks prior when a small precancerous spot that was burned off suddenly swelled up and had a ring the size of an orange. I went on antibiotics (Cipro) and suffered major leg cramps so the switched me to another killer antibiotic (assuming the infection was MRSA) and that one made me sick. The culture showed staff infection not MRSA so yet another drug and I decided to try the strongest bacitracin and manage it topically. Meanwhile Mom falls and breaks her hip and my life is upside down. My mouth breaks out in sores and I am going downhill fast.... Taper - you got it.
My taper was 7-9 hours at the hospital with a few hot yoga sessions and few swims. I recall riding and running but don't know what I did the 8 days prior. It is still a blur. Thanks to Billy's daughter coming down we were able to go to Vineman.
We arrived at our VRBO in Sebastopol on Thursday night with Lisa, Kelly and Donne and it was heaven! Cool temps and we loved our tiny house amongst the apple orchard. Sebastopol is a groovy town with great organic food and definitely a hippy feel. They even have a Whole Foods..we found great food and the 5 of us were super compatible in the house. Friday and Saturday we slept in, swam, did a bit of riding and running, registered and had zero stress. Great friends in a cool place. Love this sport!!! Perfect housemates and it was so enjoyable.
Come race day I was "whatever" My wave was 8:24 - wave #24 so I had a lot of time to chill in transition and instead of being nervous I had a great time with John and cheering on everyone I knew.
Breakfast 1 and 1/2 pure white bagels (no fiber thank you) toasted with
Nuttzo - 600 calories at 6am +
Osmo Pre- Load (I also had 2 bottles on Saturday- 1 mid day and 1 before bed)
Best award ever! La Crema chardonnay! |
Sipped on a bottle of Osmo and
Cadence while I waited for my wave.

Finally it was go time! Did a nice warm up and was ready to go. Gun goes off and I went for it...and within seconds there was a girl sprinting ahead of me and I could not stay on her feet. So I swam my own swim - strong and steady. 27:51 Not bad considering my new swim training. 4 swims per week- 30 min swims. 750 warm up. 250 hard. 10x100 hard. 100 ez 200 hard and out. 2nd out of the swim.

Bike- this course is rollers and it took me a while to find my groove - lot of traffic of bikes + M30-34 were behind me. I did not stress, did not really focus on power, just had a good time and made sure my HR was not going crazy. I never felt great but did feel terrible either. I leap frogged with a guy for 30 miles and that is always fun. Dropped him on Chalk Hill and never saw him again- until the finish and he came up and chatted. Bike: 2:43- not stellar but decent. 2nd place. Nutrition: 2x bottles with Osmo, Cadence and Carbo Pro 250C + 2 bite size bonk breakers (250C) + 2 bottles of water.
Run....I took off feeling good, a bit down knowing I was in 2nd and the chances of me catching someone who lead the swim and bike were slim. Garmin did not ever find Satellites
I hate my Garmin 610! So I was watching HR. About .5 miles in a guy goes by and says hi. It is Dr Dave from Scripps Masters and he is coached by KP as well. We ran along chatting and knocked off the miles. I was holding 7:40's pretty comfortably which was the goal for a 1:40. But around mile 9 I started to fatigue and that 1+ mile hill just did me in. I realized at that point I had only taken 1 gel and a few tiny sips of Gatorade and water. Calorie deficient for sure. I walked through the next station and drank a full cup of Gatorade and took a gu. At this point DD was a bit ahead and I just tried to keep him in sight. I was slowing but doing okay and having a lot of fun. The last mile is downhill and I was cruising...... I was sure I was in 2nd only to find out I passed 1st somewhere on the run. I was positive someone was on my heels so I sprinted in..... Great to have John there cheering me on and to see so many good friends out there. Run was 1:47. Definitely a bit slow- but this is not a flat course and well I'll take it. Cannot complain about an AG win.
Immediately felt great....hoped to break 5:00 but not today. So many fun friends in the finisher's area and it again made me realize that the people and camaraderie is what I really love about this sport. So many cool people - here we are in Wine Country, racing and having fun!!!
So....I took the Vegas slot. IM 70.3 World Championships here I come. 9/8!
Post race wine tasting! |